Updates in Z-Index Positioning Algorithms and Inter File Format Conversion Features

We at Aspose are pleased to announce a new version of Aspose.HTML for .NET. As per the regular monthly update process, Aspose.HTML for .NET 17.12 is available on NuGet for download. In this version of the API, we have made significant improvements to the processing of CSS styles and HTML to PDF conversion feature. Furthermore, we have also made some internal bug fixes and enhancements, related to z-index and page splitting algorithms. An overview of the improvements and changes is given in the release notes of Aspose.HTML for .NET 17.12.

According to z-index positioning specifications, z-index specifies the stack level of the box in the current stacking context as well as whether the box establishes a stacking context. In Aspose.HTML for .NET 17.12, we have improved z-index positioning algorithms so setting position property of an element to “absolute” value will place the element correctly without overlapping of content.

Since the interfile format conversion has been the most attractive feature of the APIs offered by Aspose, we have fixed some internal bugs related to formatting in HTML to PDF/XPS conversion(s). In the previous version(s) of Aspose.HTML for .NET, it was observed while converting HTML into PDF/XPS, that the resultant PDF/XPS file(s) used to have some formatting issues. These issues were identified as a miscalculation of Colspan width with incorrect processing of CSS styles and have been fixed in Aspose.HTML for .NET 17.12.

Miscellaneous Resources

Please visit the following links for information regarding Aspose.HTML for .NET 17.12 and Release Notes section.