Generate Databar Coded Barcode with Segments Per Row using Java

Aspose.BarCode for Java 17.11 is available for download now. The major development in this release is the support to generate databar coded barcode with segments per row. Enhanced functionality to read barcode from PDF has also been incorporated in this release.

Generating Segments Per Row For Databar Barcode

Aspose.BarCode for Java now supports the functionality to generate segments per row databar encoded barcode. This functionality allows the developers to adjust the amount of information per (each) row in the barcode. A property BarCodeBuilder.setColumns has been introduced to define the said setting. How a developer can set segments per row for a databar is demonstrated in the code snippet given below. The code snippet contains comments that makes it self explanatory.

//Instantiate BarCodeBuilder object
com.aspose.barcode.BarCodeBuilder builder = new com.aspose.barcode.BarCodeBuilder();

//Set the Code text for the barcode

//Set the symbology type to Code128

//Set the cloumn property to define segments per row

//Save the image"6segmets.png");

Other Improvements

Following is the list of improvements made in this release and bug fixes that were reported by our valued customers.

  • Functionality to recognize barcode from image has been enhanced. The functionality has been enhanced in such a way that API will extract exact number of available barcodes. No unwanted barcodes.
  • The process to extract supplement barcode has been improved. Aspose.BarCode now look for special parity pattern for correct recognition of supplement barcode.
  • DataMatrix barcode recognition process from a TIFF image has been improved. Aspose.BarCode returns all DataMatrix barcode if RecognitionMode.MaxQuality recognition mode is used.
  • Barcode recognition process have been enhanced to detect barcodes from PDF files.

To view a complete list of enhancements and fixes, please visit the release notes page.

Aspose.BarCode for Java Resources

The following API resources can be of help to you in getting started with Aspose.BarCode: