Aspose.GIS for .NET to be launched soon!

Aspose has been in the field of writing File Formatting APIs for quite long time now, and the quest for introducing new File Format APIs keeps us busy to identify the most in-demand File Formats for implementation. As a result, we are going to publish a new File Format API, Aspose.GIS for .NET, for working with popular GIS file formats.

Aspose.GIS for .NET

We are in process of launching our new API, Aspose.GIS for .NET, that will help access information in Geospatial data formats. We aim to provide support for a number of Geo formats, but initially two widely used formats GeoJSON and Shapefiles will be supported by the API.

GeoJSON, being an open mapping standard, describes the geographical features, locations, and attributes using JSON. Shapefile is a simple, non-topological format for storing the Geometric location and attribute information of geographic features.  The API will provide you the ability to process both these file formats in your .NET applications where processed data can then be used in a number of different applications.

Future versions of the API will also include additional Geospatial formats like KML (Keyhole Markup Language).

Public Availability of the API

We are aiming to launch the API and make it available to end users in a month time from now. For public announcement of the API, stay tuned to Aspose Newsletter.