Add JavaScript to CheckBox and Get List of PDF Layers using Java

We have published a new version of Aspose.PDF for Java. In Aspose.PDF for Java 3.8.0, we have introduced some new features related to stamp annotation, using JavaScript with CheckBox fields, and PDF layers. We have also improved some other areas of the component.

Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java now allows you to add JavaScript to a CheckBox; you can also get JavaScript attached to a CheckBox into a String variable or remove it from the CheckBox altogether. Please see the following topic for examples: Adding JavaScript to a CheckBox Field. Adding and removing stamp annotation is also supported in the latest version. The following help topic shows you the code snippet to work with stamp annotation: Create and Delete Stamp Annotation. If your PDF file contains layers, you can either get a list of all the layers using getLayers method or find out whether a particular layer is visible or not using isLayerHidden method. In order to find a sample, please see the following topic: Get List of the Layers and Check their Visibility in PDF File. We have also enhanced some other areas of the component including PDF to image and TIFF conversion, Form, and PdfViewer related features.

You can see the complete list of changes and download the latest version from the Aspose.PDF for Java download section.