Autoporting Aspose.Words for Java Progress – 15th Mar 2011

I am happy to announce that we have achieved another great milestone on the Aspose.Words for Java 10.0 project. All 9700+ unit tests now pass in Aspose.Words for Java. The Aspose.Words for Java code is automatically ported from Aspose.Words for .NET C# source to Java using CodePorting, a tool we have developed inhouse.

What’s next?

1. We will release a limited 10.0 Beta to several customers before end of March to seek feedback.

2. We will continue with acceptance testing on different OSes, polishing the public API and updating the user documentation for Java.

3. The estimate for Aspose.Words 10.0 full release is now somewhere end of April. Below are screenshots of the Aspose.Words unit tests we run on .NET and Java. Unit tests on Java. Include Aspose.Words, Aspose.Foundation and our “.NET abstraction layer library” tests. Aspose.Words unit tests on .NET.