Aspose is a sponor of JCConf in Taiwan

JCConf Taiwan (Java Community Conference Taiwan) is organized by the TWJUG (Taiwan Java User Group) community for discussion of the Java programming language and related technologies. Their target audience are programmers and project managers that are interested in Java and they want to offer a space for Java programmers to meet and discuss development in Java, providing a social environment for meeting like minded people.

JCConf Taiwan 2016 was a big success. They have more than 450 attendees, 23 sessions, 3 quickies (15 minutes talk) and three 3-hour workshops in two-days conference. Feedback from attendees are quite positive. They expect to have more than 12 sessions in three tracks and will be attracting 450 attendees this year in 1 day. JCConf Taiwan will invite speakers from the programming community in Taiwan and nearby countries like China and Japan.

What’s in Store?

Sessions on the following topics:

Java & JVMJava SE, Java EE, JavaME, JavaFX and Other languages on the JVM (Scala, Groovy, Clojure, JRuby, etc.)
WebWeb frameworks, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript ES6
MobileAndroid and mobile web
CloudArchitecture, Big Data and NoSQL
Internet of ThingsJava in the Internet of things, robotics, domotics
Methodology, Agile and DevOpsLean, Kanban, continuous integration, continuous delivery, eXtreme Programming
OthersAnything you think java developer should know.


Speakers from the programming community in Taiwan and nearby countries like China and Japan will be attending.

When and Where?

  • On September 29th through to the 30 th 2017.
  • At the Zhang Rongfa Foundation International Convention Center



Press Contact

Telephone (Australia): +61 2 8006 6987