Find Minimum Required Height And Width for A BarCode Image With Aspose.BarCode for SSRS 17.7

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services 17.7. The major development in this release is the functionality to get the minimun size (height & width) required for the barcode image. Improved functionality of GetOnlyBarCodeImage method has also been incorporated in this release.

Get Minimum BarCode Size

Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services now enables its users to get the minimum height & width required for a barcode image to be generated. How a developer can get the minimum size (height & width) is very simple and is demonstrated in the code snippet given below. The code snippet contains comments that makes it self explanatory.

// Create an instance of BarCodeBuilder class
// Set barcode text
// Set encoding type
using (Aspose.BarCode.BarCodeBuilder builder = new Aspose.BarCode.BarCodeBuilder("1234567890", Aspose.BarCode.Generation.EncodeTypes.Code128))
    // Set graphic unit
    builder.GraphicsUnit = System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel;

    // Call GetMinimumBarCodeSize method to get the minimum size required
    System.Drawing.SizeF minSize = builder.GetMinimumBarCodeSize();

    // Set Auto size to false
    builder.AutoSize = false;

    // Set image height & width with the help of min size got from GetMinimumBarCodeSize method
    builder.ImageWidth = minSize.Width;
    builder.ImageHeight = minSize.Height;

    // Save the barcode image
    using (System.Drawing.Bitmap image = builder.BarCodeImage)


The following issues have been fixed in this release.

  • Functionality of GetOnlyBarCodeImage method has been improved. The working of GetOnlyBarCodeImage method with a small size has been enhanced.

To view the complete list of new features and fixes, please visit the release notes page. You can download the latest version by visiting the Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services 17.7 page in the downloads section.

Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services Resources

The following resources will help you work with Aspose.BarCode for SSRS: