Improved Project Recalculations with Aspose.Tasks for Java 17.7

Aspose.Tasks for Java

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Tasks for Java 17.5. This month’s release is kind of maintenance release where we have fixed several bugs related to various functional areas of the API. For a complete list of what is new and fixed, please visit the release notes section of API documentation.

Functional Improvements

This month’s release is sort of maintenance release where we have fixed several bugs related to API functionality. These include:

  • Scenarios where loading or saving sample MPP files raised to various exceptions
  • Improvement in project recalculation resulting in more accurate output results
  • Improved project data saving to XML format where the project calendars resulted in erroneous calendar entries
  • Issues with Timephased data writing to output MPP file which resulted in repeated entries in output XML file and some wrong work values in certain cases
  • Problems with actual start, percent complete and actual duration while saving project data to MPP using the API
  • Fixing of Out of memory errors while exporting project data to image
  • Issues related to preserving formulas while saving project data as MPP
  • Differences in Tasks duration for MSP 2010 and 2016 file formats

These improvements further add stability to the API functionality in terms of expected output.

  • Product Documentation – Provides complete information about system requirements, installation, Programmer’s Guide, Technical articles, and API Changes
  • API Reference Guide – Provides information about the product namespaces, classes, and methods
  • GitHub Examples – Ready to download and execute examples of the API
  • Forum Support – Post your queries/inquiries on Aspose.Tasks forum to get support from our technical support team.