Support for setting Language and improved Table Text formatting available in Aspose.Slides for Java 17.1.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Slides for Java 17.1.0. This is a maintenance release whereby we have resolved several issues incurring in product.

New Features

We have improved the text management support in this release and have added LanguageId property to setup proofing language for checking spelling and grammar on text portion level. Please visit the documentation article, Change Language for Text in Portion for further reference. We have also included the support for setting text properties for tables inside presentation. You now have options for setting the text format on table level , row level, and columns level.

We have also improved the support for working with charts and now you can set the custom chart data labels values from chart data workbook as well. Please visit the documentation article, Setting the Workbook Cell as Data Label. You can also set the slide size by using it with different ways of content scaling. Please visit the documentation article, Setting the Slide Size with respect to Content Scaling for your further reference.

Resolved Issues

We have improved the presentation rendering support in this release and have resolved certain issues related to missing or improper text rendering, missing images, missing charts and its entities in generated PDF, HTML and slide thumbnails outputs.

We have resolved the issues related to presentation saving which earlier resulted in missing or wrong fonts, missing headers, improper text, missing hyperlinks and wrong line styles for shapes in saved presentations. We have also addressed the presentation access and saving issues have been rectified for many presentation decks that resulted in exceptions including NullReferenceException, ArgumentException, NotImplementedException and PptxReadException in previous releases.

We have made several enhancements to the new API. Please refer to Aspose.Slides for Java 17.1.0 Release Notes for further reference.

To download Aspose.Slides for Java 17.1.0, please visit the download page.