Improved Project Recalculations with Aspose.Tasks for Java 16.11.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Tasks for Java 16.11.0. Ported from its equivalent .NET version, this month’s release includes the same improvements and bug fixes. Specifically, the API now supports linking a task’s predecessor to external project. For a complete list of what is new and fixed, please visit the release notes section of our documentation.

New Features & Enhancements

Support for Linking Task’s Predecessor Information to External Project: This month’s release provides the capability of linking task’s predecessor information to external project in MPP file format that was not supported till yet. Support for this feature will enable MSP files to retain information related to external tasks such as source location and task identifier.

Improved Performance: This month’s release also improves performance of project recalculation while working with MPP/XML file formats. This has huge impact on documents that contain large number of tasks and required more time for recalculation with the previous version of the API.

Other Improvements

This release also fixes a number of bugs that were either ported from the .NET version or directly reported to us with the previous version of the API.

API Resources

  • Product Documentation – Provides complete information about system requirements, installation, Programmer’s Guide, Technical articles and API Changes
  • API Reference Guide – Provides information about the product namespaces, classes and methods
  • GitHub Examples – Ready to download and execute examples of the API
  • Forum Support – Post your queries/inquiries on Aspose.Tasks forum to get support from our technical support team.