Control Color Visibility of Layers and Add ActiveX Controls to a Visio Diagram using Java

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We’re pleased to announce that the new version 6.8.0 of Aspose.Diagram for Java API is now live. The new version includes a variety of new features, enhancements and bug fixes. Using the recent version 6.8.0 or higher, developers would be able to automatically set the color visibility of the layers and add any supported ActiveX control in the Visio diagram. They might also extract the values of inherited fill data for the manipulation purposes. We recommend our clients use the powerful Aspose for Java APIs directly in their Maven Projects with simple configurations. For details on API fixes, please visit the product Release Notes section of this new version.

Control the Color Visibility of Layers in Visio

In the Microsoft Visio, layers can be created in a page by using the layer properties dialog. The concept of layers reduces the workload and gives more control over the complex diagrams. A single checkbox against a specific layer can show or hide the color of the multiple shapes. Developers can now achieve this feature by using Aspose.Diagram API. This article explains how to control the color visibility of the layers: Add a new Layer in the Visio Diagram

Insert an ActiveX Control into the Visio Page

Microsoft Visio ActiveX controls are the objects that users can interact with to enter or manipulate data. For example, they may add a CheckBox control to the drawing so that users can turn an option on and off. They may select a control from the developer tab and drag to create the control directly on the Visio drawing just like an ActiveX control. Developers can now achieve this feature by using Aspose.Diagram API. They can drag and drop an ActiveX control and manipulate like other Visio shapes. This article explains how to insert an ActiveX control in the Visio diagram: Insert an ActiveX Control in the Visio Diagram

Read Inherited Fill Data of the Shape

A Visio shape inherits values from the master and parent style. The benefits of inheritance are improved performance, reduced memory usage and a smaller file size. We have added support for reading inherited data from the Visio shapes. This article explains how to retrieve the inherited fill data of a Visio shape: Read Inherited Fill Data of a Visio Shape

We auto port Aspose.Diagram for .NET to Java to give developers perfectly same features on both platforms, so this version also incorporates the bug fixes and enhancements from its equivalent .NET version. Please check a list of the resolved defects:

  • Fixed: Can’t copy a Visio page in the VSDM.
  • Fixed: The incomplete rendering of an OLE chart when converting a VSDX to PDF.
  • Fixed: An OLE chart is not being rendered on converting a VSDX to PNG.
  • Fixed: VSDX to PDF conversion, the embedded word document icon is missing.
  • Fixed: Incorrect retrieval of the Connects from a VSD.
  • Fixed: Returns junk value of fill pattern color of each shape.
  • Fixed: Incomplete rendering of a dynamic connector in the VSDM diagram.
  • Fixed: A blank PDF is generated while converting a VSDX to PDF.
  • Fixed: An author list error occurred while loading a VSDX.
  • Fixed: Retrieves a reverse direction of the connector from a VSD diagram.
  • Fixed: Returns incorrect connections, while retrieving from a VSD.

Aspose.Diagram for Java Resources

The following resources will help you work with Aspose.Diagram for Java:

We hope you’ll enjoy this new release that saves time and efforts. The API is quite simple and developers can use it in application easily.