Access Notes Information from MS Outlook PST Files with Aspose.Network for .NET

We are pleased to announce the release of a new version of Aspose.Network for .NET v5.8. API for accessing Notes information from Outlook PST has been added in this version. You can get the list of notes in a collection and get subject, body, creation date, color etc of each individual note.

Sample code to get all notes from PST:
// load the Outlook PST file
string strBaseFolder = @”C:\Emails\”;
string strPSTFile = @”PersonalFolders.pst”;
PersonalStorage pst = PersonalStorage.FromFile(strBaseFolder + strPSTFile);

// get the folders and messages information
FolderInfo folderInfo = pst.RootFolder;

// Get subfolders
if (folderInfo.HasSubFolders == true)
      foreach (FolderInfo subfolderInfo in folderInfo.GetSubFolders())
            // We only need notes information
            if (subfolderInfo.DisplayName == “Notes”)
                  MessageInfoCollection messageInfoCollection = subfolderInfo.GetContents();
                  foreach (MessageInfo messageInfo in messageInfoCollection)
                        // get note
                        MapiMessage message = pst.ExtractMessage(messageInfo);
                        MapiNote note = message.ToMapiMessageItem() as MapiNote;
                        Console.WriteLine(“Subject: ” + note.Subject);
                        Console.WriteLine(“Body: ” + note.Body);

We also fixed some bugs, which were reported in forums by customers. For release notes and download, please visit