Aspose in the Community

We’re delighted to sponsor developer events in the community. Conferences and user groups play an important role in developers’ ongoing professional development. Software’s not an industry where you can afford to stop learning – that’s what makes it so rewarding.

Aspose is a strong supporter of developer community initiatives. We’ve spent the past few years building a solid schedule of events and groups to sponsor around the globe. This includes:

  • User groups
  • Code camps
  • Summits
  • Community conferences
  • Saturday events
  • TechFests
  • and more…

Aspose develops APIs that make the lives of developers easier. We’re developers ourselves and understand the desire to focus on the interesting stuff like learning new technologies and implementing new features.  Learning and keeping up skills is what makes software engineering so interesting and this is where the community is so important: meeting peers lets you learn from them and share your own experience. At Aspose we understand this so we are keen to support the community where and whenever possible.

If you want to find out more about the groups we sponsor, check out the Community section of the website. If you have a group you think we should sponsor, contact us. We’d love to hear from you!