Aspose takes 5 awards this year in the 2009-2010 ComponentSource Awards

This year, Aspose is happy to announce that we have received 5 awards from ComponentSource. You can view them on our Industry Awards page:

In the ComponentSource Publisher Awards for 2009-2010, Aspose has received a Top Ten Bestselling Publisher Award.

In the ComponentSource Product Awards for 2009-2010, Aspose.Total took 15th place in the Top 25 Product Awards. Aspose.Words took 34th place in the Top 50 Product Awards while Aspose.Cells took 46th place in the Top 50 Product Awards.

In the Component Source Product Awards for Japan 2009-2010, Aspose.Cells placed 50th in the Top 50 Product Awards for Japan.

Aspose would like to thank all of our customers for their continuing support and use. Aspose plans to continue delivering robust products in the future.