BindFO, Stable InLineHTML and a better memory management

There have been many customers waiting for the availability of BindFO feature and while keeping this demand in mind, we’ve made some progress and we’re pleased to introduce another version of Aspose.Pdf for .NET which includes BindFO feature. But, currently this feature is in Beta phase and only supports, Block Area, Inline Container, Font-Size, Page-Height, Page-Width, Text-Align, Text-Transform elements.


Along with this, we also have made some improvements regarding InLineHTML feature and now a more stable feature is available to convert HTML pages into PDF format. There also have been some improvements in Memory Management while converting large image files and a better support for non-English languages is provided, when converting Word documents into PDF format.


In order to view a complete list of new features and fixes and to download HotFix for Aspose.Pdf for .NET 4.2.0, please visit this link.