Support for setting the slide frame and enhanced presentation text extraction now available in Aspose.Slides for .NET 16.2.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Slides for .NET 16.2.0. This is one of the major releases in which we have added new features as well as fixes for many bugs.

New Features

Much requested feature for setting the slide frame has been added to Aspose.Slides. We have added support for setting CategoryAxisType property which specifies the type of chart’s category axis. For more information about this feature, one may visit the documentation article Formatting Chart Entities.

Extraction of text from a presentation has also been enhanced by the addition of ExtractionMode enumeration, which ensures speedy extraction of text. Please visit the documentation article Extracting Text from Presentation for further reference.


Resolved Issues

We have improved resource utilization by fixing the issue with Dispose method which is exposed by presentation class. The issues which were occurring in previous versions, including blurred image rendering, incorrect SmartArt rendering and incorrect text alignment have also been fixed. We have also taken care of issues which were occurring while working with Document Properties, Custom Slide Shows and Animations.

Support to work with charts and tables has also been enhanced by fixing the issues with table cells, chart legends, chart title and chart’s category axis. The presentation decks which failed to be manipulated by earlier versions and resulted in exceptions including OutOfMemoryException, ClassCastException , PptxReadException, ArgumentException and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException have been fixed.

We have improved the PDF and HTML rendering support in this release while rectifying many issues related to wrong text wrapping, incorrect bullets, incorrect border and color of shapes. Support for working with embedded files has also been improved in this release.

We have made several enhancements to the new API. Refer to the article Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes in Aspose.Slides for .NET 16.2.0 for further reference.

To see a complete list of fixes and to download Aspose.Slides for .NET 16.2.0, please visit the download page.