Exporting SWF to Animated GIF, Creating SWF from Audio, Converting TTF to SWF Fonts and Sound Extraction Features are Supported in Aspose.Flash for .NET

Aspose.Flash for .NET 2.6.0 has been released. In this new version, we have provided support for exporting SWF movies to animated GIF files. You can use RenderToGIF method to convert Flash movie to animated GIF. This version also allows you to convert TTF fonts to SWF fonts with the help of ConvertTrueTypeFontToSWFFont method.

You can create an SWF file from an MP3 audio stream using FromSoundData method. Sound extraction functionality is available in the latest release of Aspose.Flash for .NET. The sound data can be extracted as well using ExtractSoundStream method. SVG to SWF conversion is also improved.

You can see the complete list of changes and download the latest version from the Aspose.Flash for .NET download section.