Aspose.Total for Reporting Services Q2 2009

What’s New in Aspose.Total for Reporting Services Q2 2009:

Aspose.Words for Reporting Services

New Features

1.      Document layout algorithm is improved.

2.      The “Repeat as header row at the top of each page” Word’s feature is now used to represent repeatable headers whenever possible.

3.      Added the DontBreakTables page breaks placement mode.

4.      Added the SpacingFactor parameter allowing to reduce spacing between report elements.

Bug Fixes

1.      Table border and layout issues.

2.      Table borders are not visible when a cell contains a nested table.

3.      Excessive empty cells are inserted when exporting matrix.

4.      HTML formatting is not recognized when a textbox text starts with ‘=’.

5.      Occasional exceptions are thrown when rendering in positioned layout.

6.      RTF output size too large.

7.      Wrong rendering of report.

8.      Header/footer problems.

9.      Occasional null reference while exporting a complex tablix.

10.  Some charts accidently threw an exception.

11.  Page headers/footers were not properly evaluated.

12.  The ‘Smart page breaks’ mode did not detect evaluated headers/footers.

13.  The OOXML content-type was incorrect.

Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services

New Features

1.      Performance improvements in both 2005 and 2008 versions.

2.      Installer improvements.

Bug Fixes

1.      Wrong rendering of images inserted to a footer.

2.      Migrated from VS to WiX installer. Automatically install Aspose.Slides for ReportingServices to all available instances of SQL Server 2005/2008 with Reporting Services installed and to Visual Studio 2005/2008.

3.      Performance improvements and code refactoring.

Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services

New Features

1.      Added support for new rendering extension (XLSM).

2.      Excel templates with macros are supported.

3.      Enhanced support for SSRS2008.

4.      Improved rendering performance.

Bug Fixes

1.      Format lost bug.

2.      SSRS2008 enhancements.

Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services

New Features

1.      Supports Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services.

2.      Supports Report Viewer control for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services in local mode.

3.      Supports table of contents, list of tables and list of figures.

4.      Supports adding custom properties for all of report items.

Bug Fixes

1.      Column visible in exported PDF while hidden in report HTML view.

2.      The row heights are much higher than they need to be.

3.      Error occurs when processing bookmarks of report.

Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services

New Features

1.      Supports rendering of Matrix 2 of 5 barcode (also known as 2/5 Matrix, 2 of 5 Matrix).

2.      Upgraded the design-time IDE barcode designer.

Bug Fixes

1.      AZTEC barcode generation is not correct for some CodeText values.

2.      In dataset based reports of Microsoft SSRS 2008, barcode is generated for only first record.

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