Did you know Aspose.Words for .NET supports EPUB export?

EPUB is an open digital book format. There are now many publishers, stores and reader software for EPUB books. While PDF is for paginated documents, EPUB is for reflow-centric documents that makes them easy to read on various mobile devices.

EPUB export was first made available in Aspose.Words for .NET in December 2008, but we only briefly mentioned it at that time.

Now I would like to mention EPUB again because of another great news. The recent release of Adobe Buzzword continues to utilize Aspose.Words to provide import/export to various document formats and now this includes export to EPUB.

More info http://blogs.adobe.com/billmccoy/2009/03/adobe_buzzword.html.

It is very easy to convert any document loaded into Aspose.Words to EPUB. You can load any DOC, OOXML, ODT, RTF or HTML document and just save it as EPUB.

Document doc = new Document(@”C:\\my test.docx”);
doc.Save(@”C:\\my test out.epub”);

Aspose.Words Online Demos were also updated to provide the ability to save any document generated by the demo as EPUB. The demo will send the EPUB document to your browser. If you have some EPUB reader installed (such as Adobe Digital Editions) then you will be able to open and view the document.

Let us know if you like this feature in Aspose.Words.