Creating improved shape thumbnails using Aspose.Slides for .NET 15.9.0

We like to share the release announcement of Aspose.Slides for .NET 15.9.0. This is one of the maintenance releases which come with resolution of certain issues that have been incurring in previous versions. Also some new features have also been included in Aspose.Slides for .NET 15.9.0.


New Features:

The functionality to generate thumbnail of shapes along with the background color is now supported.

Resolved Issues:

We have made several enhancements in new API. These enhancements include the improved presentation conversions including ODP to Pptx, ODP to Html and Pptx to PDF. The presentation rendering support has been enhanced for exporting to PDF, PDF Notes and HTML formats. The issues related to splitting and merging of table cells and incorrect table borders have been rectified in this release.

We have also addressed several issues reported for problems while working with videos. If presentations with videos are manipulated by Aspose.Slides, embedded videos are not affected anymore. Issues related to tags inside presentation, incorrect font color and incorrect WordArt color rendering have been taken care of. We have also improved the support for presentation decks that were unable to be manipulated using previous versions because of the exceptions including PptReadException, XmlException, PptxEditException and ArgumentNullExceptionArgumentNullException while loading and saving the presentations. All of these bug fixes further enhance the overall API functionality.

Please refer to the article Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes in Aspose.Slides for .NET 15.9.0 for further reference.

To see a complete list of fixes and to download Aspose.Slides for .NET 15.9.0, please visit the download page.