Looking for a Programmer/Technical Writer/Editor for Programmers’ Documentation

We are looking for a programmer/technical writer/editor to work on documentation for the Aspose.Words family of components.

Here is what we are looking for:

  • Technical writing experience
  • Experience writing about products for software developers (e.g. software components or libraries)
  • Excellent written English
  • .NET development experience
  • Long-term working relationship

Here is what we offer:

  • The job is part-time, at least initially. Current estimate 500 hours per year.
  • Competitive hourly rate
  • Flexible hours, completely offsite

You will play a key role in production of high quality documentation.

You will interact with developers of Aspose.Words, Aspose.Editor and Aspose.Recognition and work on creating and improving documentation for these products. Some topics will be written by developers, some by you. You will also assume roles a developmental and a copy editor. Hopefully, you might become fully responsible for the whole documentation process on our team.

Here are our current documentation sets that need constant work on adding new topics and improving existing:




If you are interested or know somebody who are interested, please email your resume and expected hourly rate to auckland at aspose dot com.