Aspose Customer Newsletter, September 2008

In This Issue

  • Welcome!
  • Product Spotlight – Aspose.Recognition
  • Recognize Australia Post Barcode with Aspose.BarCode for .NET
  • Australia Post Barcode also Supported in Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services
  • .NET Framework 3.5 Supported by Aspose.Network for .NET
  • Aspose.Slides for JasperReports with JasperServer Integration
  • Export Presentations having High Fidelity to Reports with Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services
  • Aspose.Form for .NET with Enhanced Support for InfoPath 2007
  • Save Documents in MHTML with Aspose.Editor for .NET
  • Processing Bookmarks with Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java
  • Export Autoshape to PDF with Aspose.Words for .NET
  • Improved PDF File Handling with Aspose.Recognition for .NET
  • Migration from MS Office Automation to Aspose – Aspose.Cells
  • Technical Article – Embedding Fonts while Creating PDF
  • Technical Tip – Display Currency Symbols with Table Values


Welcome to the September 2008 issue of the Aspose Newsletter! In this month’s newsletter, we will provide some introductory information about our spotlight product: Aspose.Recognition. We will also look at the new and exciting features offered in the recent releases of Aspose.BarCode, Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services, Aspose.Network, Aspose.Slides for JasperReports, Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services, Aspose.Form, Aspose.Editor, Aspose.Pdf.Kit, Aspose.Words and Aspose.Recognition. We will also provide information about migrating your VSTO code for MS Office Automation to Aspose using Aspose.Cells. You will learn about the latest news from Aspose along with the monthly Tech-Tip, which demonstrates how to display currency symbols with table values, and an introduction to our featured technical article which shows you how to embed fonts into PDF files while creating them with the help of Aspose.Pdf.

Product Spotlight

With Aspose.Recognition you can add intelligent PDF to word document conversion processing to your 32-bit and 64-bit .NET applications. Aspose.Recognition reads a PDF file, recognizes editable document structures and allows you to save the resulting document as DOC, OOXML, OpenDocument, RTF, WordprocessingML, HTML, MHTML or TXT. No other software is required. Take the time to download the free evaluation version today to see how Aspose.Recognition can work for you.

Recognize Australia Post Barcode with Aspose.BarCode for .NET

The latest version of Aspose.BarCode for .NET now supports the recognition of Australia Post barcode. This release also includes an improved Barcode Toolkit. The documentation has also been updated along with the samples. For more information you can view the official release page and the relevant blog post. The latest version of Aspose.BarCode for .NET can be downloaded from here.

Australia Post Barcode also Supported in Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services

Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services version has been released. The new release includes support for the Australia Post barcode. This release also supports Backcolor and Forecolor for barcodes. In addition to an optimized barcode designer for Visual Studio and improved performance for barcode image rendering, this release also incorporates numerous other improvements and bug fixes. For detailed information you are requested to view the official release page and the accompanying blog post. The latest version of Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services can be downloaded from here.

.NET Framework 3.5 Supported by Aspose.Network for .NET

The latest version of Aspose.Network for .NET now supports the .NET Framework 3.5. The TNEF attachment files decoding has also been improved in this release. Now there is no need to worry about the TNEF attachments (winmail.dat) in the EML files. Just use MailMessage to load the file and the TNEF file will be decoded in the background. There are also some bug fixes and other improvements included in this release. For more information, please consult the official release page and the relevant blog post. The latest version of Aspose.Network for .NET can be downloaded from here.

Aspose.Slides for JasperReports with JasperServer Integration

Aspose.Slides for JasperReports version has been released. This new release gives you the ability to integrate Aspose.Slides for JasperReports with JasperServer. Text padding inside a text frame has also been fixed with this release. For more information, you are requested to view the official release page and the accompanying blog post. The latest version of Aspose.Slides for JasperReports can be downloaded from here.

Export Presentations having High Fidelity to Reports with Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services

The latest version of Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services comes with a reengineered rendering engine, capable of producing presentations having high fidelity to the report design. In most cases the exported presentations look absolutely identical to TIFF/PDF reports created with standard SQL Server rendering extensions. For more details, please consult the official release page and the relevant blog post. The latest version of Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services can be downloaded from here.

Aspose.Form for .NET with Enhanced Support for InfoPath 2007

Aspose.Form for .NET version has been released. This release comes with enhanced support for InfoPath 2007. Also included in this release is an improved user interface and support for DataBind. For more details please consult the official release page and the accompanying blog post. The latest version of Aspose.Form for .NET can be downloaded from here.

Save Documents in MHTML with Aspose.Editor for .NET

The latest version of Aspose.Editor for .NET now supports saving documents as MHTML. This release also includes support for transparent selection and dynamic context menu. Also included with this version is the improved printing of documents and better scrolling. New ASP.NET demos have also been implemented for Aspose.Editor for .NET. For more information please consult the official release page and the relevant blog post. The latest version of Aspose.Editor for .NET can be downloaded from here.

Processing Bookmarks with Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java

Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java version has been released. In this release the importing and exporting of PDF bookmarks with XML files are supported. Extracting and importing annotations are also one of the new features. In addition to this the mechanism for manipulating ComboBox / RadioBox / CheckBox is improved along with the interfaces for filling form. Furthermore, new classes are added to improve support for JavaScript and Action features. For more details please consult the official release page and the accompanying blog post. The latest version of Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java can be downloaded from here.

Export Autoshape to PDF with Aspose.Words for .NET

The latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET now supports the export of rounded rectangle autoshape to PDF. This release also supports the Read Only setting and File Sharing Password in documents. In addition to this, Behavior Attributes for Styles and latent styles in the model and in all formats are also supported. Numerous other enhancements and bug fixes have been incorporated into this release. For more information please consult the official release page and the relevant blog post. The latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET can be downloaded from here.

Improved PDF File Handling with Aspose.Recognition for .NET

Aspose.Recognition for .NET version has been released. This latest release provides more precise font width handling and better handling of incompliant PDF files. In addition to this, more safety code has been added to insure that unrealistic formatting values don't appear in the generated document and to avoid poor handling of corrupt PDF files. The new release offers two modes of operations; Textbox mode and Flow mode. For detailed information please visit the official release page and the relevant blog post. The latest version of Aspose.Recognition for .NET can be downloaded from here.

Migration from MS Office Automation to Aspose – Aspose.Cells

In this months newsletter we include information for migrating to Aspose.Cells your VSTO code for inserting and removing cell comments in a worksheet. You can find the detailed article with complete code here.


Technical Article – Embedding Fonts while Creating PDF

This article provides instructions on how to embed fonts while creating a new PDF document with Aspose.Pdf for .NET. We also show how to embed fonts during Word2Pdf Conversion and when using text string containing HTML tags. You can find the complete article here.


Technical Tip – Display Currency Symbols with Table Values

While displaying financial data in the form of a table within a PDF file, we often need to display the currency symbols i.e. $ ¥ £ €, along with the data. This technical tip shows you how to do just that using Aspose.Pdf. The complete technical tip can be found here.