Aspose.Words – the engine of choice for online word processors?

There is a number of great products already out there built by great companies and great people that incorporate Aspose.Words for their document processing needs. But I find it especially rewarding when Aspose.Words is used to build a word processing application, especially an online word processor!

We’ve mentioned earlier and got mentioned that the Buzzword team chose Aspose.Words for .NET to use as an engine for loading and saving documents in various formats. We keep working hard to make sure they are happy with Aspose.Words. Our upcoming release will include OpenDocument format (ODF) export that we’ve promised to Buzzword.

This trend seems to continue and we were happy to learn that Zoho Writer  uses Aspose.Words for Java for loading and saving to some of the document formats they support.

Thank you all for your continuous interest and trust in Aspose.Words.