UPCA Encoding and QR, DataMatrix, Postnet and Aztec Reading Improvements using Aspose.BarCode for .NET 7.2.0

We’re pleased to announce the new release version 7.2.0 of the Aspose.BarCode for .NET APIs. This release covers barcode encoding and decoding improvements based on the client feedbacks and to accomplish their scenarios. In reference of some scenarios, the client was not able to align code text along with UPCA bars, rightmost character was cut off, the incorrect code text font and multiple recognition of a single DataMatrix code. This release also strengthens QR, DataMatrix, Postnet and Aztec barcode recognition engines. Many other important issues of reading and writing barcodes are included.

Enhance UPCA Barcode Encoding

We periodically provide maintenance release and product updates to fix known issues, add features and enhancements. We noticed some issues while encoding UPCA code when our client was using third party fonts and facing incorrect fonts problem in the resultant EMF format. Also, the distance between the bars and code text was not appropriate due to the small font text size. We have fixed all above issues.

Many reported bug fixes have also been included. This release comprises a number of key fixes that help us reading and writing capabilities.

  • Fixed: The  duplicate recognition of the DataMatrix on MaxQuality mode.

  • Fixed: Postnet BarCode was not recognized.

  • Fixed: Can’t read the DataMatrix code by default configurations.

  • Fixed: API is unable to recognize anything from the sample image.

  • Fixed: Incorrect recognition of QR code from the JPG image.

  • Fixed: Can’t recognize all DataMatrix codes from the tiff image.

  • Fixed: Can’t recognize Aztec code from the JPG image.

  • Fixed: Can’t recognize Aztec code from the PNG image.

  • Fixed: Can’t recognize all the DataMatrix codes from PDF file.

Aspose.BarCode for .NET Resources

The resources, you may need to accomplish your tasks: