Export/Import Data from Excel in Dynamics CRM

The Aspose .NET Update Export Tool is an open-source tool to be used with Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This tool is used when sometimes it is harder to create/update data in records directly in CRM. It can save effort in terms of time and money. Simply, export the data from any entity and any field on your desktop in Excel, and you can easily handle or update the data in excel. Once data is updated, import it back to CRM from excel. This tool can be used online and on-premises as well.

Export/Import Tool for CRM – Features

This release of the tool supports the following features.

  • Establish the connection to the desired CRM.
  • Allow users to select desired Entity and Fields.
  • Getting the record from CRM display in grid.
  • Export the record to Aspose.Cells Spreadsheet.
  • Get the record from Aspose.Cells Spreadsheet display in grid.
  • Export the record from grid to CRM.

It will work with all versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013,2015 and online.

Download, Installation, and Usage

Please check the links below to find instructions on downloading, installing, configuring and using these development templates.

Start a Free Trial Today

Start a free trial today – all you need is to sign up with Aspose. Once you have signed up, you are ready to try powerful file processing features offered by Aspose file format APIs.

Customer Feedback

Your feedback is very important to us. Please feel free to provide feedback and raise feature requirements. We are keen to implement customer-driven features since we are a 100% customer-driven company.