Aspose.Cells Java For Ruby Examples – How to Deal Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Spreadsheets

We are pleased to announce “Aspose.Cells Java for Ruby”, a new gem for Ruby developers. Project is aimed to provide useful examples for Ruby developers who want to utilize “Aspose.Cells for Java” in their Ruby applications using Rjb – Ruby Java Bridge to deal with Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice documents.

The source code of these examples is freely hosted on popular social coding site GitHub.

Download, Installation and Usage

Please check the links below to find instructions on downloading, installing and using Aspose.Cells Java for Ruby gem.

Also, you can download latest version from:


This initial version of the gem provides the following examples:


  • Hello World

Working With Files

  • File Handling Features
    • Opening Files
    • Saving Files
  • Utility Features
    • Converting Excel to PDF Files
    • Converting Chart to Image
    • Converting Worksheet to Image
    • Managing Document Properties
    • Converting Worksheet to SVG
    • Converting to MHTML Files
    • Converting Excel Files to HTML
    • Converting HTML Files to Excel Spreadsheets

Working With Worksheets

  • Management Features
    • Managing Worksheets
  • Display Features
    • Hide or Unhide a Worksheet
    • Display or Hide Tabs
    • Display or Hide Scroll Bars
    • Display or Hide Gridlines
    • Display or Hide Row Column Headers
    • Page Break Preview
    • Zoom Factor
    • Freeze Panes
    • Split Panes
  • Security Features
    • Protecting Worksheets
    • Unprotect a Worksheet
  • Page Setup Features
    • Setting Page Options
  • Value Features
    • Managing Page Breaks
    • Copying and Moving Worksheets

Working With Rows And Columns

  • Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns
  • Hiding and Showing Rows and Columns
  • Grouping and Ungrouping Rows and Columns
  • Adjusting Row Height and Column Width
  • Autofit Rows and Columns
  • Copying Rows and Columns

There is much more yet to come and many more examples with documentation are available at Aspose Docs. Keep visiting us.

Start a Free Trial Today

Start a free trial today – all you need is to sign up with Aspose. Once you have signed up, you are ready to try powerful file processing features offered by Aspose file format APIs.

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