Aspose.Network Released

Dear Customers,

We’ve released Aspose.Network v3.5.2.0.

What’s new in this hotfix:

  • Enhanced supporting embedded OLE document in Microsoft Outlook Message.
    • Support extracting embedded OLE1 format document
    • Support extracting embedded Word/Excel/PowerPoint document
  • Enhanced converting from Msg to Mht format.
    • Support showing placeholder in hmtl body if converting to mht message
    • Support more Mht format saving options, by exposed a new class MhtMessageFormatter.
    • Support customize the DateTime format
    • Support removing attachments
  • Support setting body charset using BodyEncoding propery in MailMessage class
  • Fixed the bug about loading Outlook message from MemoryStream.
  • Support Reset transfer mode for Ftp, by adding a new function “ResetTransferMode”
  • Fixed the bug in Ftp component, which may lead to failure in multi-threading downloading/uploading
  • Updated Aspose.Network.Outlook wiki documents
  • Other bug fixing from v3.5.1.*