Announcing Aspose.Cells for .NET comparison features with VSTO Excel – Now with Added Features

Aspose.Cells for .NET logoWe’ve created a new release of Aspose.Cells for .NET in comparison with VSTO Excel. The new release, Aspose.Cells Vs VSTO Excel v1.1 shows a number of comparison examples of Aspose.Cells for .NET vs VSTO Excel.

What’s New

  • Create and Save New Workbooks
  • Open Text Files as Workbooks
  • Copy Worksheets
  • Delete Worksheets from Workbooks
  • Sort Data in Worksheets
  • Apply Styles to Ranges in Workbooks
  • Display String in Worksheet Cell

Existing Examples

  • Adding New Worksheets to Workbook and Activating a Sheet
  • Protecting and Unprotecting Workbooks
  • Inserting and Removing Cell Comments in a Worksheet
  • Merge or UnMerge Cells in a Worksheet
  • Add Borders to Cells in a Worksheet
  • Add Hyperlinks to Cells
  • Hide and Unhide Worksheets in a Workbook
  • Set Background Picture of a Worksheet
  • Rotating Cell Text
  • Wrapping Cell Text
  • Get Text of Specific Cell
  • List All Worksheets in a Workbook
  • Protect and unProtect Worksheets
  • Creating a Named Range
  • Create a Pie Chart
  • Auto Filter Data
  • Use Formulas Functions to Process Data
  • Find Specific Word Occurrence

There is much more yet to come and many more examples with documentation are available at Aspose Docs. Keep visiting us.