Aspose.Words for .NET 4.2.0 Released

This releases introduces a great new feature – WordprocessingML import in Aspose.Words.

Now, the following formats are well supported in Aspose.Words for .NET:

  • Open and save DOC – Microsoft Word 97 – 2007 Document
  • Open and save RTF – Rich Text Format
  • Open and save XML – WordprocessingML
  • Open and save HTML/XHTML
  • Save TXT
  • Save PDF (when used with Aspose.Pdf)

New Features

  • Import WordprocessingML documents.
  • Updated demos to include WordprocessingML.
  • Updated Aspose.Words Documentation.
  • Made it possible to specify a password when protecting a document (1458).
  • Support distance from text for paragraph borders in HTM (1497, 1495).
  • Support import and export of hyperlink target attribute in HTML (1491, 655).


  • 1511 Save protection password hash into RTF and WordprocessingML.
  • 1508 Documents with more than 1024 shapes are not supported.
  • 1506 Korean text is not exported to HTML.
  • 1503 Korean text is not exported to PDF.
  • 1498 Tab stops are wrapping to next line in PDF.
  • 1493 Consequitve spaces appear as one space when exported to HTML.
  • 1492 Hyperlinks to anchors and relative hyperlinks do not import properly from HTML.
  • 1478 A document throws “Unknown escher record type”.
  • 1471 Toc entries come out as 888 when converting to PDF.
  • 1468 DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml causes a hangup.
  • 1234 Calculate coordinates of diagram connectors in WordML.
  • 1158 Obfuscating sometimes causes naming conflicts in user applications.

To download