Aspose.Words Documentation Revamped!

Check out the new main page for the Aspose.Words Documentation!

This consolidated documentation now includes:

  • Aspose.Words Getting Started
  • Aspose.Words Programmer’s Guide
  • Aspose.Words for .NET API Reference
  • Aspose.Words for Java Reference

We have improved the process by which we develop and build documentation that means better documentation for you.

Getting Started and Programmer’s Guide used to live in Aspose.Wiki which did not have an easy to navigate tree. It was also quite difficult for us to write documentation in Wiki in plain text. The API reference for .NET and Java were in separate sections of the website, not integrated with Wiki. It was not easily possible to convert Wiki documentation to other formats CHM or PDF requested by users.

Now, Getting Started and Programmer’s Guide are written in Microsoft Word. Then they are sliced into topics and processed by our inhouse tool that uses Aspose.Words to do DOC to HTML conversion plus some updates in the document such as fixup hyperlinks etc. Then, the Getting Started and Programmer’s Guide HTML pages are combined with API Reference HTML pages into a single project using a modified version of NDoc. The output is made available as online HTML as well as compiled CHM that we will include in the next version of Aspose.Words.

Since Getting Started and Programmer’s Guide are written in Microsoft Word now, we will be able to provide a download in DOC or PDF format.

A few words about code examples in the documentation:

  • Code examples included in Aspose.Words for .NET API Reference are automatically cut from real example projects, that means they are always up to date and working and provided in C# and VB.NET.
  • Aspose.Words for Java API Reference does not contain code examples at this stage, but we plan to add them automatically too as for the .NET version.
  • Code examples in the Programmer’s Guide at the moment are included manually. Not all code examples have C#, VB.NET and Java versions yet. We plan to improve the process to include all these examples automatically from real example projects too.