Have you met Aspose.Editor yet?

Have you met Aspose.Editor yet?

It is a close relative of Aspose.Words because it also deals with Microsoft Word documents, but as a visual control. Here is the official description:

Aspose.Editor is a new breed of a word processor control for Windows Forms .NET that displays, edits and prints documents a lot like Microsoft Word, but inside your application. WordprocessingML, DOC and HTML are supported with a unique feature of lossless editing even for complex documents.

We had customers asking about Aspose.Words whether they can view or edit Microsoft Word documents in a visual word processor control in their applications. For Aspose.Words – the answer is “no”, because Aspose.Words is just a class library, an engine to generate/modify/convert documents programmatically. But for Aspose.Editor – the answer is “yes”, because it is a Windows Forms .NET control that you can drag and drop from the Visual Studio Toolbox onto your form and build a pretty functional word processing application with look and feel that resembles Microsoft Word.

Great news Aspose.Editor 1.1 just came out.

Make sure to check out Aspose.Editor Feature Overview.

An important new feature in Aspose.Editor 1.1 is that the earlier version natively supported only Microsoft Word 2003 WordprocessingML and if you wanted to open DOC or HTML documents in Aspose.Editor, you had to purchase both Aspose.Editor and Aspose.Words. But starting from Aspose.Editor 1.1, support for DOC and HTML formats comes built into Aspose.Editor. Now Aspose.Editor has Aspose.Words internally embedded into it, providing fast and reliable loading of DOC and HTML files.

Below is a screenshot of Aspose.Editor.Demo – a C# and VB.NET demo project built with Aspose.Editor.