Aspose.Cells for .NET V4.1.1 Released!

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Cells for .NET v4.1.1!

  • Enhanced WebForm demos
  • F0007: Supported NPV function in formula calculation engine
  • F0009: Supported to read textboxes string in template files
  • F0015: Supported BIFF7 encryption in some protected files
  • F0016: Supported INDIRECT, ISBLANK, ISERROR, ISNA, ISNUMBER function in formula calculation engine
  • F0017: Supported German datetime format string
  • F0019: Supported to set active cell in a worksheet
  • B0001: Fixed a bug in Cells.MaxDataRowInColumn property
  • B0002: Fixed a bug when loading csv files with blank strings
  • B0003: Fixed a bug when loading comments with more than 8k string content
  • B0004: Fixed a bug to load a file with workbook protection
  • B0005: Fixed a bug in InsertRows method which may cause “Invalid formula …” error for some files
  • B0006: Fixed a bug for image distortion when running with 120 DPI screen resolution.
  • B0007: Fixed a bug in CalculateFormula method when comaring two DateTime values