Revamped Aspose.Tasks API – Coming Soon!

Aspose.Tasks (.NET and Java) APIs have been in the field for quite a long time now and provide a rich set of project documents manipulating functionality such as:

  • Creating and saving new documents in Microsoft Project (MSP) XML format.
  • Writing updated data back to MPP format.
  • Adding tasks, resources and resource assignments.
  • Calculating critical path.
  • Rendering project data to various formats such as BMP, PNG, HTML, PDF, etc.

These are just a few of the supported features. Though Aspose.Tasks’ present implementation provides an easy to use API functionality,  we see areas where the API can be improved in terms of  usage. This has lead us to introduce a revamped version of Aspose.Tasks API.

We are currently in the development phase of the revamped version of Aspose.Tasks. A few of the key features of this new version are:

Calculation modes: The new API will provide manual as well as automatic recalculation modes similar to Microsoft Project (MSP). Manual mode will calculate only the necessary fields whereas automatic mode will recalculate everything.  This will eliminate the need to calling the recalculating methods manually and improve ease of use.

Provision of Get/Set methods: The new API provides general Get and Set methods for the Project, Task, Resource and Assignment classes. These methods will perform all calculations and free developers from worrying about performing recalculations. Moreover, the introduction of these methods will limit the quantity of publicly available properties and make the API easier to use.

These are few key features that will be part of the Aspose.Tasks’ revamped version. We’ll be sharing more improvements with time to time for keeping you updated. In case of any inquiry in this regard, please feel free to contact us over Aspose.Tasks forum.