Aspose.Cells for Android 8.3.0 has been released. This release contains some useful features and other improvements. Below, we list some major features and other enhancements in the new release.
Get a Chart Trendline Equation Text
Aspose.Cells allows you to retrieve the equation text of a chart trendline. Aspose.Cells provides the Trendline.getDataLabels().getText() method which returns the equation text of a chart’s trendline. To make use of this property, first call the Chart.calculate() method.
Please see the detailed article on retrieving the equation text of a chart trendline.
Track Workbook State
Aspose.Cells for Android 8.3.0 has added several useful get/set methods that can enable the developers to track & manipulate the Workbook file’s state. The aforesaid attributes and their brief descriptions are as follow.
- WorkbookSettings.getCrashSave: Indicates whether the application last saved the workbook file after a crash.
- WorkbookSettings.getDataExtractLoad: Indicated whether the application last opened the workbook file for data recovery.
- WorkbookSettings.getRepairLoad: Provides information if the application last opened the workbook file in safe or repair mode.
- WorkbookSettings.getAutoRecover: Indicates if auto-recovery has been performed on the Workbook file.
Please see the detailed article on setting AutoRecover property of a Workbook.
Other Enhancements and Fixes
Aspose.Cells for Android 8.3.0 has provided fixes and other enhancements for several important issues, such as reading/writing Microsoft Excel files, calculating formulas, manipulating charts and shapes, sheet to the image, chart to image, and Excel to PDF bugs, etc.
To see a complete list of enhancements and fixes and to download Aspose.Cells for Android 8.3.0, please visit the download page.