Support for Replacing Images and Setting SmartArt Fill Types in Aspose.Slides for .NET 14.9.0

We like to share the release announcement for Aspose.Slides for .NET 14.9.0. This is a maintenance release where we have added some new features as well.

New Features

We have introduced support for generating a PDF for specific number of slides. You can find more details by visiting  reading the article Exporting Presentation to PDF. We have also introduced support for setting the fill format for SmartArt nodes and you can now set fill color or pattern for SmartArt nodes. More details about this feature are available in the article  Setting Fill Format for SmartArt Node.

Now, you can also replace an image in a presentation image collection with a new one. As a result of this, the image will be replaced in all instances in the presentation that refers to it. Please read the article Replacing Images inside Presentation Image Collection for further details.

Resolved Issues

We have resumed support for reading a password protected PPT presentation that earlier lead to an UnsupportedFormat exception upon accessing. We have also addressed the issues in saved presentations that earlier resulted in missing animation effects, loss of embedded videos and missing text.

We have also resolved several presentation rendering issues that earlier resulted in missing or improperly rendered chart elements, improperly rendered bullets, missing images and improperly rendered text in generated PDF and slide thumbnails.

We have rectified issues that appeared when accessing, saving and rendering presentation to PDF, HTML or slide thumbnails, which resulted in different exceptions like NullReference, ArgumentException, and IndexOutOfRange in previous releases.

We have made several enhancements to the new API. Refer to the article Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes in Aspose.Slides for .NET 14.9.0 for further reference.

To see a complete list of fixes and to download Aspose.Slides for .NET 14.9.0, please visit the download page.