Work with DataBar Stacked, DataBar Expanded Stacked and DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional Symbologies using C#

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.BarCode for .NET 6.6.0. This new release supports the DataBar Stacked, DataBar Expanded and DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional symbologies. Developers can now add generation and recognition operations to their .NET, Compact framework and Silverlights applications. DataBar is really a family of barcode symbologies.

Support for DataBar Stacked

We’ve added support for DataBar stacked generation and recognition. DataBar stacked is a variation of the RSS-14 symbology that is stacked in two rows and is used when the normal symbol would be too wide for the application. The sample code below specifies the use of Aspose.BarCode API.

DataBar Stacked Generation

// Initialize BarCodeBuilder class object
using (BarCodeBuilder builder = new BarCodeBuilder())
    // Set code text
    builder.CodeText = "(01)00012345678905";
    // Set symbology type
    builder.SymbologyType = Symbology.DatabarStacked;
    // Save barcode image


DataBar Stacked Recognition

// Define BarCodeReader class object
BarCodeReader reader;
// Initialize reader object
reader = new BarCodeReader("databarstacked.png", BarCodeReadType.DatabarStacked);
// Scan barcode image
if (reader.Read())
    // Get code text
// Dispose reader object

Result: (01)0001234567890

Support for DataBar Expanded Stacked

We’ve added support for DataBar expanded stacked generation and recognition. A DataBar expanded stacked barcode can grow vertically, it can encode a large amount of data in small space. Below is an Aspose.BarCode API code sample that shows how to use it.

DataBar Expanded Stacked Generation

// Initialize BarCodeBuilder class object
using (BarCodeBuilder builder = new BarCodeBuilder())
    // Set code text
    builder.CodeText = "(01)90012345678908(3932)04055GBP";
    // Set symbology type
    builder.SymbologyType = Symbology.DatabarExpandedStacked;
    // Save barcode image


Databar Expanded Stacked code

DataBar Expanded Stacked Recognition

// Define BarCodeReader class object
BarCodeReader reader;
// Initialize reader object
reader = new BarCodeReader("databarexpandedstacked.png", BarCodeReadType.DatabarExpandedStacked);
// Scan barcode image
if (reader.Read())
    // Get code text
// Dispose barcode image

Result: (01)90012345678908(3932)04055GBP

Support of DataBar Omnidirectional Stacked

We’ve added support for DataBar omnidirectional stacked generation and recognition. It is  perfectly suitable for POS (point of sale) applications. Below, you’ll find a Aspose.BarCode API code sample that shows how to use it.

DataBar OmniDirectional Stacked Generation

// Initialize BarCodeBuilder class object
using (BarCodeBuilder builder = new BarCodeBuilder())
    // Set barcode text
    builder.CodeText = "(01)00034567890125";
    // Set symbology type
    builder.SymbologyType = Symbology.DatabarStackedOmniDirectional;
    // Save barcode image


Databar Stacked Omnidirectional code

DataBar Omnidirectional Stacked Recognition

// Define BarCodeReader class object
BarCodeReader reader;
// Initialize reader object
reader = new BarCodeReader("databarstackedomnidirectional.png", BarCodeReadType.DatabarStackedOmniDirectional);
// Scan barcode image
if (reader.Read())
    // Get barcode text
// Dispose reader object

Result: (01)0003456789012

To view a complete list of API features and try the API, please visit the following page and download the latest version of Aspose.BarCode for .NET. If you need any help, please feel free to ask in the Aspose.BarCode forum. For more details, please visit the Aspose.BarCode for .NET documentation.