The project Aspose for Java for Docx4j shows how different tasks can be performed using Aspose for Java APIs compared directly with Docx4j for Microsoft PowerPoint and OpenOffice presentations, specifically Pptx4j. The project also covers the features that are only available in Aspose APIs but not in Pptx4j.
Some of the examples are available to download to give you a good idea of how the APIs work. Many more detailed examples are available at Aspose Docs.
Examples: Aspose.Slides vs Pptx4j
Listed below are some examples that show code comparisons for features available in both Aspose.Slides and Pptx4j side by side.
Working with Presentations
Working with Slides
The source code for these examples is freely hosted on popular social coding sites like CodePlex, GitHub, Bitbucket and SourceForge.
Examples: Features of Aspose.Slides Missing in Pptx4j
There are many features that are only available in the Aspose API but not in Pptx4j for Microsoft PowerPoint and OpenOffice. Below are some examples that illustrate these. Source code is also available on CodePlex, GitHub, Bitbucket and SourceForge.
Working with Presentations
Working with Slide
Feedback and Suggestions
- Many more examples are available at Aspose Docs. Keep visiting us.
- Raise your queries and suggest more examples via Aspose Forums or via any of the above mentioned social coding site.