We’re looking for your thoughts on new products…

Hey everyone,

I hope things are going well.  From time to time we at Aspose like to check with our customers and potential customers about upcoming product ideas.  Recently we have published two such ideas we would like to get your thoughts on: Aspose.PSD and Aspose.MSI.  Both of the products are currently not in production and we are looking for your thoughts and ideas on if they should.  Therefore, if you feel these products would be of interest I welcome you to share your thoughts and ideas in the following forums threads:

  • Aspose.PSD: http://www.aspose.com/Community/forums/thread/52751.aspx
  • Aspose.MSI: http://www.aspose.com/Community/forums/thread/52753.aspx

We feel customer feedback is vital; therefore, I would like to thank you in advance for any thoughts and ideas you are able to share.