Enriched Project Data Rendering with Aspose.Tasks for Java 7.1.0

After the release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET, Aspose.Tasks for Java 7.1.0 has been released and includes the same enhancements and bug fixes as the .NET version. It brings a number of improvements to Aspose.Tasks’ project data rendering capabilities, making output closer to Microsoft Project’s (MSP) output. It also includes a number of fixes for issues reported with last month’s release. To get a detailed list of what is new and fixed, visit the product download page.

New Features

Rendering MPP columns in TaskUsage and ResourceUsage: This month’s release enhances the capabilities of rendering source MPP columns to TaskUsage and ResourceUsage views. This is in addition to the other supported views Gantt chart, task sheet and resource sheet views.

Provision of footer section elements: Aspose.Tasks already provides the capabilities to render footer elements in the output. This month’s release further improves this functionality by including the following additional information to the footer:

  • Tasks deadline rendering in a Gantt chart.
  • Tasks progress rendering in a Gantt chart.
  • Project information such as name and current date.
  • Start, finish and duration to page legend.
  • Inactive milestones, summary and manual summary roll up to Gantt chart and page legend.

Rendering project data to multiple PDF files: Aspose.Tasks for Java now allows you to render project data to several output PDF files. Earlier this facility was only available when exporting to image files.

Customizing date/time format for rendering: Aspose.Tasks for Java now provides a feature that allows you to customize the date/time format for rendering.

Custom styling for overallocated resources: This month’s release introduces the TextStyle property that can be used for custom styling for overallocated resources. The implementation of the TextItemType.OverallocatedResources enables for customizing the color and style for the overallocated resources.

Bug Fixes and Other Improvements

This month’s release also fixes a number of bugs that further ads to the overall API functionality improvement. These include:

  • Task reading exceptions while loading some MPP files.
  • Reading tasks from a MPP.
  • Missing output data while rendering MPP to PDF.
  • Issues related to Gantt chart.