Aspose Maven Dependencies Integrates with JetBrains IDE

Aspose Maven Project Archetype v1.0

Aspose has released Aspose Maven Archetype as v1.0 to facilitate the easy integration of Aspose Java APIs’s Maven Dependencies in Maven projects by automating the creation of Aspose Maven Project by using IntelliJ IDEA Maven Project Wizard following Maven best practices.

With this Archetype, you don’t need to bother about the available latest versions for Aspose Java APIs, all the latest version Maven Dependencies for Aspose Java APIs will automatically be inserted in the newly created Maven Project pom.xml file.

This blog will demonstrate how to use Aspose Maven Archetype v1.0 for the seamless integration of Aspose Maven Dependencies in Maven Projects in IntelliJ IDEA.

Configuring Aspose Maven Project Archetype v1.0 for IntelliJ IDEA

Below is the step by step guide that will lead you to configure IntelliJ IDEA for the creation of Aspose Maven Projects through Aspose Maven Archetype.

  1. Fire up IntelliJ IDEA,
  2. Goto -> File menu and Select New Project option, New Project Dialog will appear as below:
  3. After selecting Maven from Project Wizards list as above, check the Create from archetype checkbox and press Add Archetype… button on top right corner
  4. Add Archetype Dialog will appear, provide information about Aspose Maven Archetype i.e version no and Aspose Cloud Maven Repository URL as shown in the below screenshot and press OK
  5. On adding Aspose Archetype, new archetype as aspose-java-for-maven will appear in the list of Archetypes, as highlighted in the below screen shot:

Congratulations! you’ve successfully configured your JetBrains IDE for using Aspose Maven Dependencies.

Now you can create Maven projects that will contain all the latest Aspose Java APIs Maven Dependencies and Aspose Cloud Maven Repository configurations already by following the steps as below:

Creating Aspose Maven Project

  1. Goto -> File menu and Select New Project option, New Project Dialog will appear as below:
  2. Select Create from archetype and select the aspose-java-for-maven:1.0 archetype as shown in below screen shot and press Next
  3. Below screen will appear, provide your creating Maven project Artifact values and press Next
  4. Screen similar to the below snap shot will appear, press Next again.
  5. Screen similar to below screen shot will appear, please enter your Project Name in Project name field and press Finish.

Final screen will appear for your created Aspose Maven project that will contain all latest Aspose Java APIs Maven Dependencies as below:

Congratulations!, you’ve successfully created your first Aspose Maven Project using Aspose Maven Archetype.

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