Aspose.Grid 1.5.2 released!

We have released Aspose.Grid 1.5.2!

Release Notes


  • Fixed: client-side setting color bug
  • Fixed: TableStyle/TableItemStyle CssClass property doesn’t take effect bug
  • Support Creating Pivot Table Reports
  • Support client-side multi-cells select/copy/cut/paste/set style
  • Support client-side right-click menu operations: freeze/unfreeze; insert/delete row/column; merge/unmerge cells;
  • Support Hyperlinks(Text or Image Display, UrlLink or CellCommand Action)
  • Added properties: ActiveCell, EnableClientColumnOperations, EnableClientFreeze, EnableClientMergeOperations, EnableClientRowOperations, SelectCells
  • Added Methods: WebCells.GetColumnReadonly, WebCells.SetColumnReadonly, WebCells.GetRowReadonly, WebCells.SetRowReadonly
  • Added events: SheetDataUpdated, LoadCustomData(for Sessionless mode data recovering), CellCommand, ColumnDeleted, ColumnInserted, RowDeleted, RowInserted, PageIndexChanged
  • Changed: Now the client file web-path(/agw_client) and the client files(htc, gif, etc.) are not needed in deploying environment. These files are now embedded in the control. This simplifies the deploying and upgrading operations.



  • Column header text Supported.
  • Context menu Supported.
  • Hyperlinks, comments, pictures exporting supported.
  • Cell button, checkbox, combox supported.
  • CellClick, CellDoubleClick, CellKeyPressed events supported.
  • Applying style to range of cells supported.
  • Data validation supported.


  • Minimizing the form that contained the GridDesktop control which set the Dock property Fill, an exception is thrown.
  • Pressing “delete” key, the GridDesktop control does not raise CellDataChanged event.
  • When row number is greater than 4 digitals, row header’s width is not enough.
  • When load from excel file, the font of char that input in a cell is different from the font of cell.
  • Can’t input Enter in a cell, now use Control + Enter keys.
  • If there are not focused cells, textbox control will be placed at error position when input char.
  • There is a comment in a cell, and then focused the right cell; when point to the cell that contains a comment, the focused cell will glint always.
  • Hiding row column does not work.