Aspose.ASPXpand released!

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.ASPXpand!  

What’s included in this release:

  •  Added a new function named SetupMaxLength
    This function can be used to limite the maximum number of characters in the multi-line TextBox,and the overload list is :
         SetupMaxLength(TextBox textBox,int maxLength)
         SetupMaxLength(TextBox textBox,int maxLength,string alertMessage)
     The second function will alert the specified alertMessage if the number of characters have reached the maxLength.

  •  Added new overloading to SetMask() functions
        SetMask(Page page,TextBox textBox,string mask,bool alwaysSet,string regx,string alertMessage)
    It allow you to use regular expression to restrict the input and will alert the specified message if the user input text did not match the regx when the textbox onBlur.

  •  Added new overloading to SetupWordCount() function to allow displaying customize message.
         SetupWordCount(TextBox targetTextBox, TextBox displayTextBox, bool showWords, bool showChars,string customizeMessage)
     For example,speicified string “WordCount={w},CharacterCount={c}.”  to customizeMessage parameter, the text in the displayTextbox will be something like “WordCount=3,CharacterCount=12.”, as you can imagine, the “{w}” in the customizeMessage will be replace with the count of  words while {c} will be replace with the count of characters. 

Thanks very much!