Compare Aspose for Java Features and Use with Docx4j

Aspose for Java

Aspose provides a wide range of Java APIs for developers to create and manage various types of applications that deals with files and different formats.

Aspose facilitates Java developers with Aspose.Total which includes following easy to use, efficient and separately downloadable components:

  • Aspose.Cells to deal with Microsoft Excel® and OpenOffice spreadsheets.
  • Aspose.Words for Microsoft Word and OpenOffice documents.
  • Aspose.Slides for Microsoft PowerPoint and OpenOffice presentation files.
  • Aspose.Pdf to create and manipulate PDF documents.
  • Aspose.BarCode for generation and recognition of barcodes.
  • Aspose.Tasks to deal with Microsoft Project®.
  • Aspose.Email to read and write email messages in various formats without Microsoft Outlook.
  • Aspose.OCR for optical character and marker recognition.
  • Aspose.Imaging to create, edit, draw and convert images.


docx4j is an open-source (ASLv2) Java library for creating and manipulating Microsoft Open XML (Word DOCX, Powerpoint PPTX, and Excel XLSX) files.

It is similar to Microsoft’s OpenXML SDK, but for Java. docx4j uses JAXB to create in-memory object representation.

Its emphasis is on power: if the file format supports it, you can do it with docx4j. But first, you’ll need to take the time to understand JAXB, and the Open XML file structure

docx4j was created by Plutext Pty Ltd in 2008 – using OpenXML4J for the OPC piece. Plutext still drives the project, but since then docx4j has benefited from contributions from many individuals. The contributors are listed in docx4j’s pom.xml.

The above information and more are available on

Aspose Java for docx4j

Project Aspose Java for docx4j shows how different functionalities can be achieved using Aspose Java APIs in comparison with docx4j. Examples with their source codes are hosted on CodePlexGitHubBitbucket and SourceForge.

These examples are also available at CodePlexGitHubBitbucket and SourceForge.

Aspose has many more features  than docx4j to fulfill developer requirements. To highlight some of these features, following are few examples of  each module.

You can review and download these examples at CodePlex, GitHub, Bitbucket and SourceForge.

These examples are helpful for developers who want to compare Docx4j with Aspose or migrate from Docx4j to Aspose.

Learn more about Aspose.

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