Read Excel Cell Values with Multiple Threads in Java

Aspose.Cells for Java

We have just released this month’s improvements to Aspose.Cells for Java by upgrading the API to version 8.2.0. This release contains 18 improvements, including the showcased feature discussed below. You can download the latest Aspose.Cells for Java release from the download section now, and start exploring the newly added features. If you are planning to upgrade the API from a previous version, we recommend you to check the Public API Changes section for details on what has been changed since your current version of the API.

Extended Support for Multi-Threading Environment

Aspose.Cells for Java API is equally useful in multi-threading environment as well as in a single thread execution plan. However, with recent changes to the core makes the API more reliable to read cell values in multiple threads simultaneously. Aspose.Cells for Java has exposed the MultiThreadReadingproperty for the Cells class in order to make sure that the correct cell values are returned when API has to work in a multi-threading environment. For better elaboration, have a look at the detailed article on Simultaneously Reading Cell Values with Multiple Threads.

Other Enhancements & Improvements

Aspose.Cells for Java 8.2.0 sees the base code tweaked and the core functionality closer to Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.2.0, from which the Aspose.Cells for Java is ported out. The latest release has fixed numerous problems, and the most notable of these  enhancements are listed as follow:

  • Enhanced the PDF rendering engine to handle shapes more appropriately.
  • Tweaked the HTML rendering engine for better conversion of Chinese characters.
  • Improvements to the core for better handling of embedded OleObjects.

Please visit the documentation for details, and if you still have any questions, we always welcome inquiries on Aspose.Cells Support Forum.