Aspose.Words for Android 1.12 Released

Aspose.Words for Android LogoWe are pleased to announce a new release of Aspose.Words for Android 1.12.0. Aspose.Words for Android 1.12.0 sees the codebase better tweaked and the core functionality closer to Aspose.Words for Java/.NET 14.7.0, which is the product that Aspose.Words for Android is ported from.

You can download the latest release of Aspose.Words for Android from the following link:

This release includes the following most notable improvements/fixes:

  • Improvements to DrawingML shadow, extrusion and 3D rendering algorithms.
  • New public API to specify revision marks appearance for rendering.
  • Vertical text is supported in HTML, MHTML and EPUB.
  • Improvements to rendering and line wrapping for Arabic and Far East scripts.
  • Improvements to rendering of inline shapes within rotated text.