Aspose.Word for Java Preview

Glad to announce that we are ready to release Aspose.Word for Java. We expect Aspose.Word 1.0 for Java will be available for downloads within the first 2 weeks of January 2006. Aspose.Word for Java is an almost direct port from the original C# version. In the future, we will keep developing new features in Aspose.Word for .NET and then porting them to Aspose.Word for Java. We will try to keep the delay between the release of a new feature in the .NET version and the release of the same feature in the Java version minimal, it is expected to be within 1-3 months. Aspose.Word 1.0 for Java is currently up to date with Aspose.Word 3.3 for .NET (released November 2005) excluding the following features:
    • HTML export
    • HTML import
    • PDF export
  • Images and shapes are ignored in documents
These features will be implemented in the next few releases. Full demos and documentation will be available in January-February. In the meantime you can use the Aspose.Word for .NET documentation as a reference because the object models of the .NET and Java versions of Aspose.Word are the same, just follow this Java version naming convention:
    • Class names are same in .NET and Java versions.
    • Method names in the Java version start with a lowercase letter. For example “DoSomething” in .NET is “doSomething” in Java.
    • Properties in the Java version are converted into classic getters and setters. For example “MyProperty” in .NET is “getMyProperty” and “setMyProperty” in Java.
  • .NET enumerated types are converted into constants in Java. For example LineStyle.Double in .NET is LineStyle.DOUBLE in Java.