Explore Aspose Features Unavailable in VSTO

Aspose.Total logo, genericVSTO Microsoft Automation tool and Aspose provide similar features but Aspose dominates VSTO in terms of performance, security and speed. With Aspose, developers can use the same functionality as they can with VSTO, but without requiring an Office engine to be installed on the production server. Also, some features are only available with Aspose and not with VSTO.

Why Aspose for VSTO?

Developers looking for file format libraries may need to walk through the features provided by libraries available on the market. Mainly, two factors are considered when choosing an option:

  • Features.
  • Efforts required to use the library.

If you are a .NET developer looking for fast, easy and light-weight file format library to process files, compare VSTO (Visual Studio tool for Office) with Aspose. The Aspose for VSTO project helps you compare features and code for both libraries. To support the recently announced Aspose for VSTO project, we have added “Aspose Only” features. These new projects help you find solutions to tasks that you are not able to accomplish through VSTO and also provide good reasons for choosing Aspose file format libraries. In addition, there are important automation drawbacks when using VSTO for server side file processing.


Below is the major features unavailable in VSTO for Excel:


Below is a list of the major features unavailable in VSTO for Words:


Below is a list of the major features unavailable in VSTO for PowerPoint:


Below is a list of the major features unavailable in VSTO for Visio:

You can find examples and documentation on BitBucket, CodePlex and Github. Download the examples and see how Aspose can help to achieve functionality with a few simple lines of code to save developers time and effort.