Work with Microsoft Word 2013 Password-Protected Documents

The first official release of Aspose.Words for 2014 has been released. As such the major version number of the Aspose.Words for .NET and Aspose.Words for Java releases has reset to ‘14’.

Aspose.Words 14.1.0 includes over 100 useful new features, enhancements and bug fixes.

You can download the latest releases of Aspose.Words from the following links:

Here is a look at just a few of the biggest features in this month’s release. For a full list of bug fixes and improvements please refer to the download pages in the links above.

Support for Microsoft Word 2013 Password-Protected Documents

Aspose.Words has wide support for documents created by Microsoft Word 2013 however one there was a limitation when it came to password-protection. Documents created by Microsoft Word 2013 use a different type of encryption when compared to older versions of Microsoft Word and as such were not supported by Aspose.Words from the get go when the new format was introduced. The fix included in this month’s release fix resolves this problem and Aspose.Words can now load and save such documents without any issues.

MS Word 2013 Password Protection Screen
The password protection screen in Microsoft Word 2013

Control how Revisions are displayed in Rendered Documents

A new class has been introduced which allows you to control how revisions are displayed when rendering documents to formats such as PDF, XPS etc. Use the members of LayoutOptions.RevisionOptions to fine tune how revisions appear in rendered documentsDocument doc = new Document(“myRevisedDocument.docx”); RevisionOptions ro = doc.LayoutOptions.RevisionOptions; ro.InsertedTextColor = RevisionColor.ByAuthor; // For inserted revisions each author gets own color ro.DeletedTextColor =  RevisionColor.NoHighlight; // Deleted revisions are not highlighted ro.RevisedPropertiesColor = RevisionColor.DarkBlue; // Formatting revisions will be marked in dark blue ro.RevisionBarsColor = RevisionColor.DarkYellow; // Revision Bars on the side of the page will be dark yellow doc.Save(“myNicelyColoredRevisedDocument.pdf”);

Memory Usage Improvements to the Page Layout Engine

This month’s release marks further improvements to rendering performance as internal parts of the rendering process have been optimized to reduce memory usage.  This improvement will reduce the possibility of OutOfMemory issues and improve the rendering performance when working with extra large documents.