Convert and Read Microsoft OneNote Files using C# with Aspose.Note for .NET

We are excited to announce our new API – Aspose.Note for .NET. It interacts with the Microsoft Office OneNote (.one) file format. Aspose.Note is a .NET class library to read, convert and parse Microsoft OneNote files using C#. It allows developers to work with ONE (2010/ 2013) files in C#, ASP.NET MVC, web services or any .NET based applications. Aspose.Note for .NET API brings with it some comprehensive features.

In the first version, we have included features like converting .one files to different image formats, exporting to PDF format, reading and extracting text from .one file, getting page information, getting image information, extracting images, and searching and replacing text. The following samples give you an idea of how to get started with Aspose.Note for .NET.

Convert OneNote Documents in C#

Convert OneNote Document to PNG, BMP, JPEG, GIF in C#

The Aspose.Note API allows developers to save one notebook pages to image files so making a thumbnail is easy. Below is the code for saving a OneNote as an image in C#. Please see the following topic for further help: Converting OneNote to Image.

Convert OneNote Document to PDF in C#

If you have a Microsoft OneNote file that you want to share with others, but do not want them to be able to change the format, you can save the file as a PDF. The code below shows how to convert all or specific pages from a OneNote file as a PDF file in C#. Please see the following topic for further help: Converting OneNote Document to PDF.

Read OneNote Files using C#

  • Show all text from a OneNote file – Sometimes developers need to grab some text from a OneNote file.  The following code extracts and shows all the textual content from a OneNote file. Please see the following topic for further help: Extract Text from OneNote Document.
  • Get the number of pages from a OneNote document – A OneNote document may have multiple pages: you can display the page count. The count includes pages from all levels. The following code gets the page count from a OneNote file using C#. Please see the following topic for further help: Get Number of Pages from a OneNote Document.
  • Get all pages info from a OneNote document – Aspose.Note API allows developers, access details about each page like page title, author, page level, page size and create time etc. Following is the code to get details about each page from the OneNote file. Please see the following topic for further help: Get Information of Each Page from a OneNote Document.
  • Get the text from a particular page of a OneNote document -Aspose.Note also allows you to retrieve text based on a specific page number in a OneNote document. The code below shows how. Please see the following topic for further help: Extracting Text from a Specified Page of OneNote Document.
  • Get image info from a OneNote document – Aspose.Note allows developers to access details about each image in a document, for example, file name, width, height, extension, and last modified time. The code that follows shows how to get details about each image from a OneNote file. Please see the following topic for further help: Get Information of Each Image from a OneNote Document.

Extract Images from OneNote Files using C#

  • Extract all images from a OneNote document – Sometimes you want screenshots and clippings as actual image files. Aspose.Note has this feature and lets developers save these files as such. The following is code that extracts all the images from a OneNote file. Please see the following topic for further help: Extract Images from a OneNote Document.

Search and Replace Text in OneNote File using C#

When editing a OneNote book, finding and replacing text is helpful. For example, if the name of a project has changed, you can easily replace all instances of the old project name with the new one. In Aspose.Note, use the RichText class to replace specific text.

  • Search and replace text on all pages of a OneNote document – The code below searches and replaces text on all pages of a OneNote file. Please see the following topic for further help: Replace Text on All Pages.
  • Search and replace text on a particular page of a OneNote document – Below is code for searching and replacing text on a particular page of a OneNote file. Please see the following topic for further help: Replace Text on a Particular Page.

We hope you’ll enjoy these API features that save time and effort. The API is quite simple and developers can use it in application easily. Aspose.Note for .NET will allow you to convert, extract, read or update OneNote files without installing Microsoft OneNote on the server.

To view a complete list of API features and try the API at your end, please visit the following page and download the first version of Aspose.Note for .NET. If you need any help, please feel free to ask in the Aspose.Note forum. For more details, please visit the Aspose.Note for .NET documentation.