PDF to DOC, PCL to PDF, XSL-FO to PDF in Aspose.PDF for Java 4.5.0

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We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.PDF for Java 4.5.0 which provides some great and exciting new features. Some of these features are: converting PDF files to DOC format, converting PCL files to PDF format, converting XSL-FO to PDF format, finding and replacing text by its location and using Japanese text inside PDF documents.

The new release is a better and more stable version compared to its predecessors. We have also fixed many issues reported in earlier versions including PDF to JPEG conversion, PDF to PDF/A_1b conversion, PDF to HTML conversion, HTML to PDF conversion, PDF to TIFF conversion, bookmark manipulation, working with hyperlinks and placing tables inside PDF document.

Public API changes

The following classes have been moved from the package com.aspose.pdf to com.aspose.pdf.devices

  • BmpDevice
  • ColorDepth
  • CompressionType
  • Device
  • DocumentDevice
  • EmfDevice
  • FormPresentationMode
  • GifDevice
  • GraphicsDevice
  • ImageDevice
  • ImageGenerator
  • JpegDevice
  • Margins
  • PageDevice
  • PngDevice
  • Resolution
  • ShapeType
  • TextDevice
  • TiffDevice
  • TiffSettings

Go ahead and download and start exploring the new features of Aspose.PDF for Java 4.5.0.